Ready for the big questions?
Are you living the life you truly want to live?
Are you where (and who) you really want to be?
Are you struggling to understand what needs to change for you to be happy in your life?
It’s time to finally figure out exactly what's important to you, what you want from life (and what’s missing) so you can live aligned with your values and bring back the best version of yourself (you know, the woman who got lost somewhere between work, family, relationships and pandemic life.)
Where do you belong in this world without your labels?
Parent, partner, daughter, sister, boss, client, employee , business owner, friend, neighbour, community member… We wear so many hats, but have you ever asked yourself who you are without these many roles?
This is deep work, but it’s necessary if you want to live a fulfilled life, excited for a future filled with deeper feelings of connection and belonging.
When your life is out of alignment with your values, anxiety, stress and even health issues are almost inevitable.
Spending precious time and energy on tasks and situations that don’t serve you can feel crippling - leaving you feeling like a hamster perpetually stuck on a wheel.
Perhaps you’re spending every waking moment stressing about a job you hate - feeling trapped by bills and wishing you could spend more time with your family.
Maybe you’re frightened to go all-in on a business idea because, deep down, you don’t want to outshine your sibling (or partner!)
Something needs to change, and I can help!
Your needs and values matter.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, friend.
Self-care isn’t just spa days, salads and the occasional Saturday shopping trip.
Self-care means learning how to put yourself first.
But how do you do this without dropping any of your plates? How can you even think about your own needs when so many people depend on you?
I offer a range of courses, programmes and 1:1 support to help you identify exactly how to be the healthiest, happiest version of YOU every day- so you can pour from a constantly overflowing cup with reserves of energy and enthusiasm to spare - leaving stress, weight-issues, anxiety and overwhelm behind you for good.
So many of us wear “busy” as an identity - feeling overwhelmed, overworked and under-appreciated becomes the norm for us, holding us back from the things that bring us joy.
The language you use when you speak to yourself is so important, and, as such, the programmes in your mind need to be refreshed and updated on a regular basis - making sure your mental systems are in alignment with your needs.
I’ll show you exactly how to upgrade your internal systems, examining your self-beliefs and looking at the lens through which you view your world…. because holidays are great an’ all, but arriving on a break utterly depleted and desperate for a rest is no way to live.
Your mindset plays a huge part in living a life you don’t want to run away from - mindset can totally transform your every thought and action, how you function and develop as a person and how you navigate life’s challenges.
Reprogramming your mind